Tuesday, 30 November 2010

Final idea!

After researching into successful magazines purely for the male audience, such as; Mens Health magazine, Men's mag and FHM... I have noticed they all have two things in common...

  1. They all have pictures of desirable, beautiful women, normally central on the front cover.
  2. They all have tips and tricks for men to keep toned and healthy. 
Visual codes: 
I have decided to incorporate this into my magazine cover. I have decided too stick to my initial ideas of basing my cover on a popular action film - which is notoriously going to appeal to a male audience. The film i have chosen is Wanted. Therefore, to appeal to men even more, i will have the central image being a seductive picture of Angelina Jolie, whom is evidently the main character in the film.    

Layout and design:
I have thought alot about the typography i am going to be using for my cover and have decided i want the style to reflect the film it'self. Therefore, the titles typography for the film it'self might well be the style i use to make a clear connection to the audience- as it is an action film so something like italics just wouldn't be acceptable to the audience.  Furthermore, the title should be punchy, bold and exciting if it is to appeal to it's male audience, but also to showcase the film in an upbeat way. 

Use of graphics:
Corner banner: As my magazine cover is for males, i want there to be a corner banner indicating what else is inside the read. I will make it about health and nutrition, which i researched to be another popular men's mag topic. Using this banner, men can have a greater understanding of what they can expect and look forward to inside the magazine itself.  

Use of language is very important for a magazine cover, as the cover is what sets the tone of the magazine itself. I have thought about incorporating rhetorical questions to make the audience think, alliteration for a dramatic effect and use of hyperbole to make the film sound FANTASTIC! 

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